Know Your Worth

CeliArt © 2015 @Time2Refuel ™

From the moment I met You
I knew
Life’s not always going to be perfect
In this fractured and broken world
but I hear You whisper…

“Know your worth”

Trudging through mud
Dirt will cling to your shoes
Never permeating the soul

Know your worth

Yours is the choice
to walk around dirty
Or have Him wipe it all clean

Know your worth

If we wore our sins
For all to see
What would that look like?

Know your worth

He knows
And He loves
Despite what you’ve done

Know your worth

Be clean or unclean
He knows

He knows your worth

He’s known it
from the that very first moment
when He thought you into existence

He knew it

Self-worth should not be based upon what others think or say
Your value is not in who you are but rather whose you are

Know your worth

You are worth blood
You are worth tears
He chose to give His life for you
Did you hear that?
You are worth dying for

Know your worth

You have been bought and paid for by Christ, so you belong to him—be free now from all these earthly prides and fears.

1 Corinthians 7:23

Have you felt put down or forgotten? Do you feel insignificant? 

Please know that our God in heaven values you so much that He gave His one and only son. 

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

John 3:16

I want to encourage you today to know your worth and in turn remember to grace those around you with words that would edify them.  That you be an example of God’s love to those around you.

Be encouraged | Be faithful | Be kind

I’m happy to be linking up with the beautiful women at:

Modest Mondays, Proverbial Homemaker, A Mama’s Story, What Joy is Mine, The Life of Faith, Mom’s the Word, Titus 2sDay, Testimony Tuesday, #RaRaLinkUp, Purposeful FaithCornerstone Confessions, Teaching What Is Good,Wise Woman, WholeHearted Wednesday, Women With Intention, Three Word WednesdayTellHisStoryCoffee for your Heart, Wednesday Prayer Girls, Word Filled WednesdayI Choose Joy Link UpThought Provoking Thursday Link Up, The Deliberate Mom, Growing in GraceA Field of Wild Flowers, Angela Parlin,While I Wait,  Arabahjoy Grace & Truth, Imparting GraceLittle Things ThursdayGraced SimplicityFellowship Fridays,  Friday Favorites, Friday Flash Blog, MomfessionalsFaith Filled Friday,Give Me Grace, The Weekend Brew,Sunday Stillness, Spiritual Sundays, Faith N Friends,

So Grateful and honored to have been featured on Mama Moments Mondays


52 thoughts on “Know Your Worth

  1. Pingback: My Article Read (3-13-2015) | My Daily Musing

  2. Beautiful! I wrote about this very thing in my post ‘Love of a Father…’ today – how there is a vast difference between being undeserving and being unworthy. We are not deserving of the grace that God has shown us, but worth is ascribed to us – by the extravagant price that was paid on our behalf. Such a wondrous truth!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Celi,You know I love this article or poem. We should never allow people define who we should be. Because they will get it wrong! Our value is in “whose we are” just as you said. People don’t own us neither were they there when God created us.
    I am blessed reading this.
    Many Blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Absolutely beautiful… Those 3 little words say so much: Know your worth. I think that will be my new mantra. This is something I will keep close today: “Your value is not in who you are but rather whose you are.” Thank you :).

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a beautiful reminder this is! It’s so comforting to rest in the Truth that He knows our hearts. He loves us just as we are, and yet He loves us enough to keep transforming our hearts to be more like His Son. Blessings to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Although I’ve read 1 Corinthians 7:23 before, the version you shared, struck me in a whole new light,

    You have been bought and paid for by Christ, so you belong to him—be free now from all these earthly prides and fears. 1 Corinthians 7:23

    That verse and especially, “be free now from all earthly prides and fears” speaks directly to your beautiful words on “knowing our worth” which tied together, hit me in a new profound way. These words stated so plainly, right there in Scripture, speak to our fears and most especially any desire for approval from others. Our main focus should be Christ and Christ alone which will give us such freedom in Christ!

    I too love the hymn I Surrender All and I loved how you encouraged us to Surrender All to experience the peace that surpasses all understanding.

    Thanks so much for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ha! Funny you should say that because the writing came from a place in me that needed to be reminded. So glad you like it. Thank you for taking time to let me know it means so much. ♥


  7. Hi Celi, I am so glad you commented over at my blog because now I have found yours. And I love this poem. I am going through a bit of a “finding my worth” phase of my life so your poem is wonderful. God bless and I look forward to what else God puts on your heart.
    God bless
    PS: love your opening statement on your blog. I too am grateful that His mercies are new every morning


    • You can not imagine how much it means to me to read your comment. So kind!! I’m also glad I stumbled upon your blog. We are apparently going through similar seasons and perhaps that’s why God crossed our paths. I too look forward to reading about what God is doing in your life. Thank you so much for the comment it made my day. ♥


    • I’m so glad you enjoyed it. We should all be willing to encourage one another showing gratitude for God’s grace. Thank you so much for your comment and for stopping by for a visit. ♥


    • You are so sweet! I am so grateful to hear that this was helpful to you. I pray that you recognize your worth as I too am learning. Thank you so much for dropping by and making me smile. ♥


  8. Pingback: Mama Moments Monday {Link-Up} - A Mama's Story

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