Engraved By Christ

Last week as I went on a walk with my son through our neighborhood I pulled out my camera and started taking pictures of everything that caught my eye.  Lots of beautiful trees, flowers and built up piles of fallen leaves. Oh how I love the natural beauty.

As I looked down at the sidewalk something in the cement caught my eye. they were so small that I almost missed them, but there they were. An imprint of a leaf. Several of them actually, leaves no longer there but the imprints remained. How long had they been there? Who knows, could be years.  All I knew was that these leaves had once fallen at this precise place leaving their mark, proving their existence, leaving a lasting impression in stone. So I took a picture of this imprint as it got me thinking of my own.

leaf imprint

What lasting impression will I leave behind?  Years from now will there even be an imprint? Will I have served my Lord well? What I do now, will it find its way into the future? My children’s future? Their children’s children future?

Not for rewards or for empty praises but rather to know I have guided them toward Christ and loved them so well that they will always remember. A love that has been etched into their hearts and burned into the very fabric of their lives.

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen”
2 Peter 3:18

To know that those moments I cried in prayer for God’s blessing on their lives came to be, even if while I am no longer here. That through whatever small kindness they have witnessed they have learned of Christ’s love in action.

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace”
Numbers 6:24-26

The things that we do matter. How we affect those around us will mean something if we do it with love.

But, the truth is…

We are flawed and the good we do is like filthy rags compared to God’s love.  So I pray… That despite my selfishness, short comings and sinful nature God will choose to use me in preparing a way for them.

“We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away like the wind.”
Isaiah 64:6

Like a leaf etched into stone or names carved onto a tree, I hope to have helped my children carve the name of our Lord Jesus Christ onto their hearts that they might live a lifetime of joy serving our Father.

That the imprint I leave behind be not that of my own, but rather the one engraved by Christ.

How will you leave your imprint?

I’m happy to be linking up with the beautiful women at:

Modest Mondays, Proverbial Homemaker, Motivate and Rejuvenate MondaysA Mama’s Story, What Joy is Mine, The Life of Faith, Mom’s the Word, Titus 2sDay, Testimony Tuesday, #RaRaLinkUp, Purposeful FaithCornerstone Confessions, Blog HopTeaching What Is Good,Wise Woman, WholeHearted Wednesday, Women With Intention, Three Word WednesdayTellHisStoryCoffee for your Heart, Wednesday Prayer Girls, Word Filled WednesdayI Choose Joy Link UpThought Provoking Thursday Link Up, The Deliberate Mom, Growing in GraceA Field of Wild Flowers, Angela Parlin,While I Wait,  Arabahjoy Grace & Truth, Imparting GraceLittle Things ThursdayGraced SimplicityFellowship Fridays,  Friday Favorites, Friday Flash Blog, MomfessionalsFaith Filled Friday,Give Me Grace, The Weekend Brew,Sunday Stillness, A Group Look, Spiritual Sundays, Faith N Friends,

Thanks to Titus2Tuesdays


44 thoughts on “Engraved By Christ

  1. Wonderful post! We know we will one day leave a legacy. But I wonder if we often think about the fact that we are etching on the hearts, and in the lives, of others. The thought of permanently leaving an impression is something I will be thinking on today. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautiful post! I have been contemplating the same thing, lately. I dear friend of mine died in a tragic accident a week and a half ago. Over a hundred friends and family commented on her Facebook wall after she died, and they all said a version of the same thing. ‘Rosie loved everyone and made them feel included and special. She laughed loud and loved big.’ It made me wonder what I will be remembered for. Like you said, I want it to be Christ’s imprint on my life that makes a lasting impression. But if I were to die today, would it be my love of Jesus that people remembered? So convicting. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am so sorry for the loss of your friend but I am so happy that you were blessed by her presence in your life. That joy that she imprinted will far outlast her body as if her soul remains present. I’m so happy that enjoyed this post. Thank you so much for your kind words that have encouraged me today.


  3. Pingback: My Article Read (4-20-2015) (4-21-2015) | My Daily Musing

  4. Visiting from Holley’s today and I’m glad we are next-door neighbors because I really enjoyed reading this post. An imprint – my grandmother and mother left Godly imprints on my life and now I live to leave one on my two grandblessings.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “What lasting impression will I leave behind?” –> Such a powerful question! Thanks for linking up at #ThreeWordWednesday.


    • I’m so glad that you enjoyed this. It’s a big responsibility but thankfully we don’t have to do it alone. He’s right there with us along the way. So grateful! Thanks for your sweet words. ♥


  6. So often I forget that what I do today may have an impact on years to come and possibly eternity. It is a great reminder that even though our righteous deeds are as filthy rags, God still chooses to use us. Now, I will remember your encouragement when I see leaf prints!


  7. Great post! Thanks so much for sharing! This totally reminded me of how Blaise Pascal said that there is a God-shaped vacuum in every man’s heart; I’ve loved this since it reminds me of how we are made for something more and if I can just be a shadow of Him for other people, I will be happy. It’s only by grace that I’m saved and there is nothing I can do myself that will make such an imprint, but I’d love for Him to use me to make His imprint 🙂 Love this and so glad to have found your blog! Can’t wait to read more and connect with you- subscribing!
    -Sara, uncommongrace.net

    Liked by 1 person

    • You have made my night. In a moment where I needed encouragement God sent you. I am so glad that you enjoyed my post. “God-shaped vacuum in every man’s heart” wow, I love that! So happy you stopped by and made my heart smile. Thanks!! ♥


  8. Oh, how I loved this! Thank you so much for sharing such great thoughts of the legacy we will leave. I pray as well that my legacy not be about me but what I left in the world to point back to Jesus. Stopping by from Spiritual Sunday.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: 5 to feed your soul | Days & Thoughts

  10. Love this. You really gave me something to think about, thank you. Now I want to work on how I can leave an impression.
    Thanks for sharing on the Shine Blog Hop!


  11. Beautifully said! I feel that Christ is an imprint on my heart and my soul! We had not attended church for several years, and recently found the most wonderful church! I have prayed about it and God lead us there in October 2014! Thank you for your beautiful share.

    Liked by 1 person

    • AWESOME answered prayer! So glad you’ve found a church where you can worship. God always knows what we need and sends it at just the right time. So happy you enjoyed this post. Thank you for your kind words and for stopping by.


  12. Pingback: Titus 2 Tuesday #153 - Cornerstone Confessions

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