Careful What You Wish For

CeliArt © 2015 @Time2Refuel ™


It was about 5:15 am when he climbed down from his bunk-bed. Stomach spasms and nausea hit like angry, swollen waves forcing him to clutch his belly in desperation. He ran to the nearest sink hitting the kitchen counter first. Oh how I wish I would have emptied the sink earlier. No matter…I need to focus on getting to the bottom of what’s causing this nausea. Did he eat something last night that didn’t agree with him? Could it be the Tupperware full of sweet peppers he consumed after a bag of caramel corn? Not exactly the best combination, but no. The slight heat radiating from his brow was the final tell tale proof…the flu had reared it’s head and it was ugly.
Today I’m playing nursemaid to my youngest. My poor baby…sure he’s 12 and taller than me, but he’s still my baby people. About 2 nights ago as he was doing his homework at the kitchen table he randomly stopped and said “I haven’t been “really” sick in a VERY long time. I wish I would get sick, like really really sick”. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Who wishes to be sick. Of course he’s just thinking of having a day off from school and not about the pain and miserable discomfort that comes with it. So I proceed to remind him about how terrible it is to wish such a thing and to try and remember how bad it feels. You think he’d take a moment to ponder. He took a moment alright. He took a moment and prayed a really fast prayer that went like this, “Dear God, ppleease, please, please let me get really really sick, Amen”. What the!?!?!? Is he kidding me right now? Who does that? Am I forgetting what it’s like to be 12 or is he off his rocker? I tell you that I still don’t get it, but it did remind me of something.
How many times do we go through rough patches, painful things caused by bad choices we’ve made and as time goes by we forget the severity of the pain it brought and make the same mistakes wishing, praying for the same again. We in essence bring on a “spiritual flu” of sorts. It’s only when the pain hits that we see the error in our ways and ask ourselves “What was I thinking?”
It’s our humanity. We’re broken and scarred but luckily we have a savior that looks passed that and sees our hearts intention. He takes our bad choices and uses them for good. We’re suppose to learn from our situations, choices, decisions. Do we have to bang our heads against the wall each time? No, definitely not but it all lies in the choices we make. What we think is good for us in the moment is not necessarily what’s best for us in the long run. If only we would commit this to memory so that what we’re learning is to change and seek Him first before making any decisions.
In the end He wants what’s best for us, to heal and make us well. Who better to put our plans, future, well-being and trust in? There is none other.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.Jeremiah 29:11

Now go, Rest in Him and let Him replenish your thirst. Hopefully it’s just a 24 hour thingy.

 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


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