Treasures of the Heart

I’m so excited to say that I was just recently encouraged to write a short story about my journey into motherhood for possible publication in a pro-life project benefiting a women’s health clinic with the Gabriel Network, in Baltimore, Maryland.  The project was created to encourage young women to choose life for their child, regardless of their circumstances.  I’m so flattered to be even a small part of such a meaningful endeavor.  What could be more important than encouraging the preservation of life.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13

My submission is presently being considered for publication with in Jillian Amodio’s book “New Life Within”.  I say “considered” because the final stories chosen will be determined by votes. The more votes I get the better my chances of being published. So if you are willing, I’d love it if you would read my story and if you like it, I’d be honored if you would vote for my story and ask a few of your friends to do so as well.  And perhaps they’ll tell two friends…and they’ll tell two friends…and so on and so on.

Please click here or on the title to read and vote for my story Treasures of the Heart“.

You can also click here to learn more about “The New Life Within” project and how to support it.

Btw: If you would be so kind as to check out my good friend Gail Centeno’s story  Not the Nanny” as well that would be amazing.  Why?  Because if it weren’t for her I wouldn’t even be involved in this project but just mostly because she’s pretty awesome.

Thanks and remember…every vote counts.

3 thoughts on “Treasures of the Heart

  1. Pingback: Treasures of the Heart – Guest Post : Celi Camacho | echosfromtheabyss

  2. Pingback: Treasures of the Heart – Guest Post : Celi Camacho | Family Survival Protocol - Microcosm News

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